Saturday, October 24, 2009

That Sister just might bring bad luck........

Not that I really believe in luck, but I had the awesome opportunity to ride with my sister again on friday morning at 5:00am still dark! It was to the beginning of a fabulous weekend, as afterwards we were leaving with our other sister to head to Monument Valley. I've never been to Utah, so a very special trip indeed....we had a great ride, watch the LaVerne and Jane, watched the sun rise out in the foothills. Then, almost home, at about the same spot as the Saturday incident with the exhaustion and the ants....wop, wop, wop, A FLAT TIRE!!

We had places to go, things to do, packing for the I brought out the trusty Blackberry, called that fabulous guy Paul that I live with, and yes, he came abd picked me up. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever finish a ride with my sister.......

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