Friday, January 22, 2010

The countdown continues.....

The countdown continues, but without riding.....this is getting to be a very scarry thing. I rode last Friday (a week!) second day on the new seat, and it was a struggling day. Here it is a week later, and I still haven't been out.

Family and Job took me out of town for a few days, then I returned to RAIN and then more RAIN, yes, in Arizona. We've had over 1/2 of our annual rain fall in the last 4 days. Flooding, mudslides, tornado watch.....yikes are we in Kansas!

The ride is approaching ever quickly.....and here I sit, not checking out the new seat, not checking out the ride in the rain....

Oh, and next week family comes to visit and help me celebrate the big 50....yikes, I'm getting old....

1 comment:

  1. lol I am going to be 60 Feb 17, you're still a kid.....I wish I was still 50 and doing this ride......I just got a new seat too. and it hurts my butt
    big time
    what we gona do?
