Saturday, September 26, 2009

The hills didn't seem so bad today

Just completed a regular Saturday training ride. I hit a new personal best, 36.9mph maximum speed. Obviously this helped my average speed brought it up to a 13.3. My goal before the big trip is to hit 14 as an average speed. I also did better on some hills today than before. There is one hill I've been avoiding....did it today and felt great.

Thanks to my freind Jason for riding with us today, he's been a great supporter of my endeavor and getting on the bike (first time after knee surgery) shows huge support, thanks J!

Tomorrow planning to ride from Warner and 48th to the South Mountain park at Central and Baseline.....then the road to San Juan...I'm a bit nervous, I've never done this before, it will be wild always I'll keep you posted....

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